PTA (Parent Teacher Association)

The PTA is an excellent way to become a part of the VRS family.
VRS is a public school, governed by the South African Schools Act. Every aspect of the school is governed by this Act. The principal and School Governing Body (SGB) are responsible and held accountable for all school activities.

What is the PTA?
The PTA is a formal organisation of volunteers consisting of parents and teachers. It provides an opportunity for everyone to work together towards a common goal. All parents/guardians are automatically members of the school PTA. We encourage you to become involved.


The mission of the PTA is to ensure an optimal educational experience for all learners.
The aim of the PTA is to contribute to the development and improvement of all aspects of school life through the following objectives:

  • To bring parents, teachers and pupils together and foster a spirit of mutual goodwill, loyalty, fellowship and cooperation.
  • To promote good communication.
  • To assist the principal and teachers with the general welfare of the school.
  • To organise, with the approval of the principal, functions and social activities that will contribute to the objectives mentioned above.
  • To assist with, organise and support fundraising events which serve to supplement government funding, and collectively benefit all learners and the school community.
  • To communicate a positive image of the school, internally and to the wider community.

PTA meetings
The PTA committee meets twice during every school term to discuss general business aspects such as fundraising, parent involvement and support. Additional ad hoc meetings will be held as and when the need arises.

The PTA committee consists of:
– Two (2) grade representatives for each grade (1 – 7)
– An Administrator, if necessary
– A Chairperson elected from the grade representatives
– Four (4) educators or non-educators from the school
– A parent governing body member representing the governing body
– From the committee various sub-committees are formed, e.g. Fundraising Committee

PTA 2024 Committee

Chairperson – Lanese Carstens
Deputy Chairperson – Nonnie Hendriksz
SGB Representative – Megan de Kock

Educator – Izel Nel
Tuck-shop Manager – Janet Meintjies
Marketer – Jessica Courtney
VRS – Carl Snyman

Graad 1 Afrikaans Verteenwoordiger – Carmen du Toit 
Grade 1 English Representative – Bianca Smit
Graad 2 Afrikaans Verteenwoordiger – Natasha de Jager
Grade 2 English Representative – Greg Kanes
Graad 3 Afrikaans Verteenwoordiger – Mandy de Kock
Grade 3 English Representative – Bernadine Kotzer
Graad 4 Afrikaans Verteenwoordiger – Lalie Kruger 
Grade 4 English Representative – Alex Vorster
Graad 5 Afrikaans Verteenwoordiger – Annande Lambrechts
Grade 5 English Representative – Michelle Nienaber 
Graad 6 Afrikaans Verteenwoordiger – Carina du Plessis 
Grade 6 English Representative – Janine Petzer 
Graad 7 Afrikaans Verteenwoordiger – Christa Prinsloo
Grade 7 English Representative – Cecile Hattingh

What is a Grade Representative?
The grade representatives are a tool used by the PTA as well as the teachers to communicate with parents. They are selected at the beginning of the year and there are 2 grade representatives per grade, 1 English and 1 Afrikaans. A grade representative is in charge of creating a WhatsApp group, acting as the group administrator, and filtering information back and forth to the class representatives.
The WhatsApp group is one of the main communication tools used to support the PTA Committee in achieving its mission, aim and objectives. Refer to the WhatsApp Policy, please. You will also be required to attend PTA meetings.

What is a Class Representative?
The PTA has 2 class representatives for each class, nominated at the beginning of the year. Class representatives may arrange internally to rotate during the year, as long as there are 2 (two) class representatives per class at any given time during the year. If you would like to volunteer let the PTA know, please.

School Fundraising Projects
To be confirmed.

How do I get involved?

      Ask to be included in the class WhatsApp group and load the D6 Communicator on your Smartphone.
      Volunteer your time where possible. Email the PTA to pledge your assistance.
      Share any contacts or sponsor information with the PTA. We welcome all leads that will help us with our fundraisers. Every contribution is appreciated no matter how small.
      Makro and MySchool cards
      1. Sign up for a Makro and MySchool card and link VRS to your account
      2. Please encourage all extended family and friends to use their Van Riebeeckstrand Primary School linked Makro and MySchool cards at every opportunity – this is an easy way to raise funds for our school.
      3. For more information on how to get these cards or link existing cards, please contact the school office.

1. Email us at
2. Attend a PTA meeting

We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead and hope to see more parents involved on the PTA. Serving as a PTA member at the School is not about prestige, position or privilege, it is about PASSIONATE PARENT PARTICIPATION!N

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Ouderdom / AgeVeld/ FieldDag/ DayTyd/ TimeAfrigter / CoachMatches
u/7A- FieldMonday13:30 - 14:30A. Engels /W van der Post /T.L. du Plessis Thursdays
u/8A- FieldMonday13:30 -14:30E.Visser / M. Oosthuizen / A. Johannes / C. Kerrigan Thursdays
u/9B- FieldMonday14:30 - 15:30R. vd Heyde / G. Viljoen Thursdays
u/10AA- FieldWednesday14:30 - 16:00R. Sauls Monday
u/10BA- FieldWednesday14:30 - 16:00D. Muller Monday
u/11AA- FieldMonday14:30 - 16:00J. Le Roux Wednesday
u/11BA- FieldMonday14:30 - 16:00N. TerrelWednesday
u/13AA- FieldMonday15:00 - 16:30K. van SchoorThursdays
u/13BA- FieldMonday15:00 - 16:30A. Botha Thursdays
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Gr 4-7A - FieldTuesdays15:30 - 17:30B.Streicher, J.P. Brandsen
Gr 4-7A - FieldThursdays14:30 - 16:30B.Streicher, J.P. Brandsen, S Muller
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Swimming teamOu SkipMondays14:30 - 15:30K. van der Merwe, K. Britz, A. van Dyk
Swimming teamOu SkipThursdays16:00 - 17:00K. van der Merwe, K. Britz, A. van Dyk
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Gr 4-7Ou SkipMondays14:30 - 15:30K. van der Merwe, K. Britz, A. van Dyk
Gr 4-7Ou SkipThursdays16:00 - 17:00K. van der Merwe, K. Britz, A. van Dyk
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GradeFieldItemTimeCoachOther Info
Gr 1-7A- FieldMondays16:00- 17:00A. Potgieter Spur MTB kompetisies vind plaas op Saterdae / Spur MTB competitions are taking place on Saturdays
Gr 1-7TBCWednesdays16:00- 17:00A. Potgieter
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AgeFieldDayTimeCoachOther Info
u/7- u/13A- FieldMondays17:00- 18:00T. JenkinsonWedstryde vind plaas op verskillend dae / Races will take place on different days
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AgeFieldDayTimeCoachMatch Days
u/7B- FieldTuesdays13:30- 14:30W. van der Post, J. Johannes Thursdays
u/8B- FieldTuesdays13:30- 14:30C.Kerrigan Thursdays
u/9B- FieldTuesdays14:30- 15:30A.Olckers, E.BurgerThursdays
u/10A- FieldTuesdays14:30- 15:30C. Kerrigan /K. BritzThursdays
u/11B- FieldTuesdays15:30- 16:30A. Potgieter /Buite Afrigter Thursdays
u/13A- FieldTuesdays15:30- Wet / H. Engelbrecht Thursdays
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AgeFieldDayTimeCoachMatch Days
u/7B- FieldTuesdays13:30- 14:30K.Britz /J. Johannes Thursdays
u/8B- FieldTuesdays13:30- 14:30E.Burger / T.L. Du Plessis Thursdays
u/9B- FieldTuesdays14:30- 15:30W. van der Post /M Janse van Rensburg Thursdays
u/10A- FieldTuesdays14:30- 15:30S. Mitchell, TBAThursdays
u/11B- FieldTuesdays15:30- 16:30B. Streicher /S MullerThursdays
u/13A- FieldTuesdays15:30- 17:00 B.Streicher / Buite Afrigter Thursdays
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u/9Tennis CourtsTuesdays14:30 - 15:30A. Smith / M. Janse van Rensburg / E. Burger Wednesdays
u/10- u/13Tennis CourtsTuesdays14:30 - 15:30S.Mitchell, H. EngelbrechtWednesdays
Girls/ Boys A+B TeamTennis CourtsMondays06:30 - 07:30H. Engelbrecht / ATA Afrigter Wednesdays
Girls/ Boys C+D TeamTennis CourtsTuesdays06:30 - 07:30H. Engelbrecht / ATA Afrigter Wednesdays
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Gr 3-7 Long Distance / LangafstandB- Field Tuesday and Wednesday14:30 - 15:30T. Jenkinson
Gr 3-7 Javelin / SpiesgooiB- FieldTuesday and Wednesday14:30 - 15:30TBA / L Raine
Gr 3-7 Sprints / Naellope B- FieldTuesday and Wednesday14:30 - 15:30L. Visagie, / A. Potgieter
Gr 3-7 High Jump / Hoogspring B- FieldTuesday and Wednesday14:30 - 15:30J. de Wet
Gr 3-7 Long Jump / Verspring B- FieldTuesday and Wednesday14:30 - 15:30A. van Helsdingen / B Kotze
Gr 3-7 Shot put / Gewigstoot B- FieldTuesday and Wednesday14:30 - 15:30C. Gerretsen, / S vd Merwe
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Ouderdom/ AgeBaan/ CourtDag/ DayTyd/ TimeAfrigter/Coach
u/7 A-B1, 2Maandag/ Monday13:30- 14:30M. Fourie
u/7 C -D1, 2Maandag/ Monday13:30- 14:30E.Visser / Buite Afrigter
u/8 A-B3,4Maandag/ Monday13:30- 14:30M. Oosthuizen
u/8 C-D3,4Maandag/ Monday13:30- 14:30A.Engels /Buite Afrigter
u/9 A-BTennis courtMaandag/ Monday14:30- 15:30B. Kotze
u/9 C-DTennis courtMaandag/ Monday14:30- 15:30S. van der Merwe /G. Viljoen
u/10A-B3,4Maandag/ Monday14:30- 15:30I.Nel
u/10 C-D3,4Maandag/ Monday14:30- 15:30A. Smith
u/11 A-B1,2Maandag/ Monday14:30- 15:30A.Helsdingen
u/11 C-D1,2Maandag/ Monday14:30- 15:30A. Van Dyk
u/12 A-BAll CourtsMaandag/ Monday15:30- 17:00C. Gerretsen
u/12 C-DAll CourtsMaandag/ Monday15:30- 17:00L. Raine
u/13 A-BAll CourtsMaandag/ Monday15:30- 17:00K. van der Merwe
u/13 C-DAll CourtsMaandag/ Monday15:30- 17:00A. Williams /Buite Afrigter
If there are no matches on the Wednesday then there will be practice! If there are matches then there will be no practice.
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Ouderdom/ AgeVeld/ FieldDag/ DayTyd/ TimeAfrigter/Coach
u/7B- FieldMaandag/ Monday13:30-14:30N Terrel /J.P. Brandsen
u/8A- FieldMaandag/ Monday13:30-14:30L. Visagie
u/9 A-BB- FieldMaandag/ Monday14:30-15:30A. Botha
u/9 C-DB- FieldMaandag/ Monday14:30- 15:30D. Muller
u/10AB- FieldMaandag/ Monday14:30-16:00J.P. Brandsen
u/10BB- FieldMaandag/ Monday14:30- 16:00J.P Brandsen
u/11A-BA- FieldMaandag/ Monday14:30- 16:00R Sauls /D. Puchert
u/11CA- FieldMaandag/ Monday14:30- 16:00J. Munnik
u/13CB- FieldMaandag/ Monday15:30- 17:00K. van Schoor /J. Le Roux
u/13BA- FieldMaandag/ Monday15:30- 17:00R. van der Heyde /L. Visagie /N. Terrel
u/13AA- FieldMaandag/ Monday15:30- 17:00R. van der Heyde /L. Visagie /N. Terrel
If there are no matches on the Wednesday then there will be practice!
If there are matches then there will be no practice.
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